The MEOCHECK – For your health
How important health is, you often realize only when you no longer have it. Everyone who has ever been seriously ill knows how true this sentence is. Understandably, therefore, physical and mental well-being has top priority for many people, even before professional success and private happiness. This is also true for us.
The aim of our preventive examinations is to detect diseases in good time, to prevent them and to maintain your health. For this purpose, we offer comprehensive early detection examinations as well as preventive measures as part of the MEOCHECK, which can be adapted to your individual needs.
The MEOCHECK is performed by our medical experts without exception.
In addition, we have a broadly positioned diagnostic center, so that we can also offer you a radiological examination at short notice, in order to reveal or exclude disease patterns that are hidden deep inside the body. Specific MRI diagnostics can be useful for certain questions, such as the detection of intervertebral disc disease, imaging of the cerebral vessels or for joint diagnostics.
As a rule, our basic internal check-up is sufficient for most patients, especially if it is performed regularly. If during the anamnesis or during the check-up results become apparent that require referral to one of our other specialists, these appointments can gladly be organized with other specialists of the MEOCLINIC with our service center. The MEOCLINIC offers the possibility of specific check-up examinations in almost all relevant specialties.
Our service
- Comprehensive basic check up
- Creation of individual check up programs
- Radiology in house
- Appointment coordination through our service center
- Final meeting with discussion of results and recommendations
- Cost estimates upon request
- Reminder Service
- Progress control
Our Experts

Florian Hänsel

Florian Hänsel
General Medicine

Florian Hänsel
General Medicine

Dr. med.
Solveig Tetzlaff
Innere Medizin

Dr. med.
Solveig Tetzlaff
Internal Medicine

Dr. med.
Solveig Tetzlaff
Internal Medicine
- Medical history and counseling on general medical risk factors.
- Extensive laboratory
- Physical examination
- small pulmonary function examination
- Sonography abdomen
- Sonography thyroid gland
- Vaccination advice and vaccinations
- Final Report
- Discussion of the results

Your basic internistic check-up
Our internal medicine MEOCHECK is the basic examination and provides an accurate picture of your general state of health. Depending on your age, gender and medical history, you will receive recommendations for further examinations as part of your check-up. In a comprehensive final consultation, both the medical findings are discussed and health-promoting measures for your healthy lifestyle are presented.
Individual preventive medical checkups
We are also happy to offer you the option of putting together an individual guideline-oriented check-up program. Depending on age, gender, risk and medical history, the basic check-up will be extended by specialist check-ups directly at the time of registration, so that you can have all preventive examinations in one place and on one day (except colonoscopies and gastroscopies: usually on the following day).
For example, patients with many moles can also undergo a dermatological check-up, which includes skin cancer screening and cataloging of the moles. For smokers, an extended lung function test by our pneumologists is an option.
Our service center will put together an appropriate program based on your wishes and requirements. Of course, all specialist check-ups and preventive examinations can also be performed individually – i.e. without a basic check-up – for an ophthalmological report, for example.

Hautkrebsvorsorge, ästhetische Dermatologie, nicht-invasive Tumortherapie und Laserbehandlungen.

Krebs- und Schwangerschaftsvorsorge, Empfängnisregelung, Familienplanung, kurative Behandlung und Tumornachsorge.

Ambulante und stationäre Behandlung bei Erkrankungen von Nase, Ohren, Mund, Rachen, Hals, Kehlkopf und Speiseröhre.

Moderne Behandlung aller Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, umfangreiche diagnostische Möglichkeit, u. a. Herz-MRT.

Ambulante und stationäre Behandlung aller neurologisch-psychatrischen Erkrankungen und aller Begleiterkrankungen des Nervensystems.

Behandlung von Gelenkschäden und Sportverletzungen an Hüfte, Schulter, Knie, Ellenbogen, Fuß- und Sprunggelenk und Wirbelsäule

Verwendung modernster Medizintechnik wie dem digitalen Röntgen, der digitalen Sonografie, dem Ganzkörper-MRT, dem CT , dem Herz-MRT.
Bei uns sind Sie in guten Händen

Kurzfristige Terminvergabe

Parken im Haus


Professionelle Ärzte

Moderne Technik
You are in safe hands

Short notice appointments

Modern Diagnostic Tools

Comfortable Environment

Professional Doctors

Modern Technology
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Современные технологии

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