The ENT department has been a fixture at MEOCLINIC for 20 years, and covers outpatient as well as inpatient diagnostics, treatment, and aftercare relating to disorders of the ears, nose and throat. The hospital ensures that each patient will always see the same physician – be it during consultation hours, an inpatient stay, or for later follow-up care. The outpatient clinic deals with illnesses of the nose and paranasal sinuses, the auditory and vestibular system, the oral cavity, the salivary glands and the larynx, as well as related allergies. All examinations involve the interdisciplinary collaboration with other specialists, and include treatment, tumour screening, as well as auditory and olfactory tests.
A team of highly experienced ENT specialists carries out required surgeries using state of the art methods. Our service spectrum encompasses the entire range of ENT surgeries, including functional intervention in the nasal and paranasal sinus region to improve respiration, cosmetic-reconstructive corrections, surgery of the nasopharyngeal region, the outer and middle ear, the oral cavity, salivary glands, larynx, trachea, oesophagus, and the outer neck. We are particularly well prepared for the care of children. For an adenoidectomy (removal of the adenoids), for example, parents can choose between outpatient or inpatient care, and will be able to be with their child immediately after surgery in the wake-up room.
Our Experts

Dr. med.
Dilan Arsoy
Zusatzbezeichnung Plastische und Ästhetische Operationen

Dr. med.
Dilan Arsoy

Dr. med.
Dilan Arsoy

Prof. Dr. med.
Arneborg Ernst
Leiter Schwindel- und HNO-Zentrum

Prof. Dr. med.
Arneborg Ernst
Vertigo & ENT

Prof. Dr. med.
Arneborg Ernst
Vertigo & ENT

Dr. med.
Nina Steiert

Dr. med.
Nina Steiert

Dr. med.
Nina Steiert

Dr. med. Martin
Vössing, MBA

Dr. med. Martin
Vössing, MBA

Dr. med.
Martin Vössing, MBA
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